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loving life on a hikeHappy Friday….Happy Friday….Happy Friday!

I hope you have some fun planned for this weekend.  Let’s get to it on this blog posting and then you can head outdoors and enjoy the last rays of summer.

Bev just picked up some extra work.  She is a merchandiser in grocery stores, and another company contacted her and asked if she wanted to merchandise their product in addition to the product she already does.  She said yes, of course, because it means more money and like everyone else in the bottom 80% we always need money for emergencies.

This of course means more hours for her, an increase of about five hours per week, maybe a little more, and that means she is going to be stretched to the limit.

So we sat down last night and discussed me taking over more of the household chores for her so she doesn’t have to face them when she gets home.  Yes, I work full-time writing, but I write at home, and it is not too difficult for me to do laundry or sweeping or the dishes as breaks from my writing.  I suspect my biggest chore will be keeping the chickens happy, but that’s a story for another posting.

My dad is flipflopping in his grave right now because the chores I’m going to do were, in his words, a woman’s job.  I am damn certain I never saw my dad vacuum in the twenty years I knew him, and I know for a fact he never did the laundry.

Well, my dad was from a different era.  We do not look at chores around our home as befitting a woman or befitting a man.  We are partners in this living gig and as such we share equally the good, the bad and the mundane.  I am very grateful to Bev for taking on a little extra so we can have a little extra, and she is grateful to me for taking on the extra chores and that, my friends, is what a partnership is all about.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by. Make sure you give a hug to your significant other.

Before I leave, I want to give a shout out to a couple friends of mine, and ask you to give them a visit.  The first is Sha, or Bravewarrior if you will, and you can find her website here.

The other is Carol and if you are interested in astrology at all then visit her site here.


“Helping writers to spread their wings and fly.”